martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

my career

I said in the last post, that I studie in Universidad de Chile the career of public management. But I wouldn’t say more about this

Well, now I going to give more information about me and my career. Before to enter in the career, I wanted to study Political Science, but as this career is only is ‘’Universidad catolica’’ and I hate it, I decided go to Universidad de Chile in the public management, with a mention in political science, maybe it wasn't my favorite area. when I started the class in 2008, I wasn't sure about my decision. But today I' m happier with my decision.

The reason is tha I can contribude with my job for many people, because the public management can do proyects for the people, for example they can organized the apartment on a minister and finish with the disorder and more thing that the people today, used the minister. they can't fame for their job but is a greatful job

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