martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Henry Mintzberg

Today I’m going to talk about Henry Mintzberg, he is teacher in the McGill university Canada. Mintzberg is one the most important in area of administration; he is investigator about general management and organization. This is your importance in the public administration.

Mintzberg talk about the importance of the strategic in the organizations, The Nature of Managerial Work, The Structuring of Organizations, Power In and Around Organizations, The Strategy Process. Although not focused on the public area, it is very important your works about organization. Because today in the public management is in the change process bureaucratic system to the new management and mintzberg give us the basis for this change.

I think that mintzberg is the best, because, He has contributed a new approach to delivering new management tools to improve. His work also is used in many organizations, both now the public sector, yielding very good results.

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